What are the Superpowers of Science?
¡Hola future heroes!
Sparks’ Crew loves hero training, especially when hero training involves using their Superpowers of Science! But what are the Superpowers of Science? Superpowers that everyone can use! And you probably already use them. Have you ever noticed something was different? You made an observation! Observing is a superpower of science. Scientists need to make lots of observations everyday. Once they’ve made an observation, scientists can share information that they discovered, and sharing what you know is a great Superpower of Science! By sharing what you know you can help the people around you. If a scientist doesn’t know something, they ask questions! Asking questions is a superpower of science everyone can use, and it’s a great way to learn something new and figure out what to do. Now that you know a little more about the Superpowers of Science, you can practice being a hero just like Sparks’ Crew! Now let’s get hero training!