Meet Lucita Sky
Hi! I’m Lucita Sky! My superpower is INCREDIBLE, I can fly! Well… not very high. Even though I’m a pretty good flyer, I still get a little afraid of heights sometimes. That’s why I try to never look down and keep my eye on the skies! And if I do fall I know my friends from Hero Elementary will be there to catch me! I’ll just have to keep on practicing!
My whole family can fly! My Papi helped me get my first cape, and my big brother is teaching me the coolest ways to land. Even my Abuelita can fly! Flying is something we all like to do together.
I’m so happy to be a student at Hero Elementary! All of my friends are there, and I get to learn to help people! I love to help people, and animals, and the environment! When I grow up I want to be a superhero who helps make the world a better place!