Use your Superpower of Creativity!
Did you know creativity is a superpower? Now you can practice your power of creativity with the Hero Elementary coloring sheets! We have all the members of Sparks’ Crew! You can add your own creative spin to each member of Sparks’ Crew! You can decide what’s inside AJ’s thought projection, and draw a picture of something you think only Sara Snap could lift! Show what’s inside Benny’s bubble, and what Lucita is swooping in to catch! Don’t forget about Fur Blur, she has her own coloring sheet where you can decide what emoji to put in her thought bubble!
When you are happy with your coloring sheet, ask a grownup to help you put it up on a wall, or send it to us! We love to see drawings from young heroes, just ask a grown up to send it to us on social media. We can’t wait to see what you make!